Sunday, March 31, 2019

The Struggle Is Real

Don't let him get the upper hand.

Don't lose control of the situation.

Cuz if you do, you're fucked!

Fight on, never surrender, never submit!

Saturday, March 30, 2019

Frat Boy Fun

Pulled Pork

There's nothin' gay about pullin' a little pork with a buddy... 

If you're both horny, and have the balls to cop to it, you might as well do something about it!

Just keep your eyes ahead and you'll have an awesome, no homo, nut session!

Football Buddies!

There's no bond that can match the one between two football teammates. 

There's a sacred connection between buddies who have sweat together, trained together, won together, and lost together.

If you're lucky enough to have football buddies, keep them close and bask in the unique bond that can never be broken between you!

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Sharin' Sharon

Threeways. Nothin' quite like three horny people gettin' their groove on. When you think 'threeway', of course the first thing that pops to mind is two chicks and one guy. I mean, what red-blooded American male wouldn't want two ladies slobberin' on his knob; to have two pussies to choose from! 

But what about the MMF situation? A lot of dudes bristle at the idea of sharing one pussy, or even being in the same room with another guy while their boning some chick. But trust me man, the guy, guy, girl thing can work in your favor. You just gotta keep that shit no homo!

Right about now, some of you are panicking. "What if my bro looks at my dick?", "What if our dicks accidentally touch?", "What if we get caught in 'friendly fire' when we nut?" All legit questions. With a little vigilance, you can avoid most of these hazards... Except maybe the looking at each other's dicks. That shit can't be helped! Just pretend you're in the locker room, bruh!

Once you get started, you'll see there's plenty of her to go around!

Now don't freak out, but dude, you ain't fucked a chick until you've double-fucked a chick with your bro! I know it sounds potentially "gay" to be that close to your buddy while bonin', but believe me, as long as there's a pussy in the room, it' can't be gay. So whether you each take one hole...

Or... both drilling and filling just her pussy...

It's the most awesome way to bond with your bro! Believe me, if she's the kind of girl who can't get enough dick (and there are plenty of them out there), then a good time will be had by all!!!


Not many better ways of bonding than a good, ol' fashioned rasslin' match. Whether it's formally wrestling as a college jock, UFC fighting...

Or just messin' around with some freestyle, at home bed rasslin...

Bringin' the pain is a cool way to bond, and get a little exercise while you're at it!

I'd never refuse the chance to throw down with a buddy, show him who's boss, and get the better of him!

So whenever the chance comes up, take it, dude!

Extreme Male Bonding

 Whassup dudes?? Extreme Male Bonding started as a humble Tumblr. Before we knew it, we had over 60,000 followers! Then came the death of Tumblr and we were kicked to the curb. So, we're giving it another try!

This is the place where bros and buddies can kick back, relax, and do some serious male bonding. Most guys don't really take the time to properly bond with their bros. And when they do bond, it's usually just situational; an impromptu trip to the bar, or running into each other at the gym.

So this is your chance to see how other dudes bond. Might be rasslin', playin' other sports, drinkin' and partyin', or scorin' some sweet pussy! 

Whatever form it takes, we hope you enjoy getting into some extreme male bonding! So tell a buddy or two to follow us too! Stay tuned!!